“You cannot comply your way to freedom…”

In our tech booming world, it is becoming more and more consequential to speak your mind. Risk had only increased as powerful groups and people restrict your right of expression. Shadow-bans, online suppression, doxing, and intimidation is a reality which threatens multiple online platforms. And no one is immune!

My intent is to move dialogue and critical thinking forward in an evolving time that we live in. In anonymity, I publish content covering modern events, cultural shifts, philosophy, and study history to apply lessons from America’s founding.

I hope to ask questions and to challenge myself in understanding the complexities of modern events as well as the minds of our framers and the Constitution from which we owe so much.

Thank you for joining me in this journey self-discovery and in learning the values of this nation.

~ Publius (@TheAnonReport_)

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Weekly news & analysis on modern events with lessons provided from a turbulent, American history.


Opinion is happily my own. Love the outdoors, reading, swimming, deep conversations, and questioning everything!